Chapter 6 – What Is He Doing

Bab 6 - Apa yang Dia Lakukan

Luo Qing Yun looked at her black phone, she was stunned for half a second, then stood up and went downstairs.

Luo Qing Yun melihat telepon hitamnya, dia tertegun selama setengah detik, lalu berdiri dan turun.

The Water Sky One Color Club was the most high-class private club in City X. Although Luo Qing Yun had never been here before, as a hotel employee, she knew the reputation of the clubhouse.

Water Sky One Color Club adalah klub pribadi kelas atas di Kota X. Meskipun Luo Qing Yun belum pernah ke sini sebelumnya, sebagai karyawan hotel, dia tahu reputasi clubhouse.

For a private club of this size, not to mention the average person, even the rich person, if they weren’t members, they wouldn’t be able to enter.

Untuk klub pribadi sebesar ini, belum lagi orang biasa, bahkan orang kaya, jika mereka bukan anggota, mereka tidak akan bisa masuk.

It was not strange for such a big shot like Su Chen Hao to appear in this place.

Tidak aneh jika orang besar seperti Su Chen Hao muncul di tempat ini.

But why would he ask her to come here?

Tapi mengapa dia memintanya untuk datang ke sini?

Filled with questions, she got out of the car and headed for the lobby.

Dipenuhi dengan pertanyaan, dia turun dari mobil dan menuju lobi.

When they were at the door, they were stopped by security guards, “Miss, this is a private club, only VIP members can enter.”

Ketika mereka berada di pintu, mereka dihentikan oleh penjaga keamanan, "Nona, ini adalah klub pribadi, hanya anggota VIP yang bisa masuk."

After Luo Qing Yun heard this, she realized that she was still wearing the uniform of the hotel. It would be difficult to enter if she just went in like this.

Setelah Luo Qing Yun mendengar ini, dia menyadari bahwa dia masih mengenakan seragam hotel. Akan sulit untuk masuk jika dia masuk seperti ini.

Just as he was thinking about how to deal with the two security guards, he saw Qiu Ye walking out from inside, “She was invited by me, so she can’t even enter?”

Saat dia berpikir tentang bagaimana menghadapi dua penjaga keamanan, dia melihat Qiu Ye berjalan keluar dari dalam, "Dia diundang olehku, jadi dia bahkan tidak bisa masuk?"

When the security guard saw Qiu Ye, he quickly apologized and let him in.

Ketika penjaga keamanan melihat Qiu Ye, dia dengan cepat meminta maaf dan membiarkannya masuk.

Luo Qing Yun entered the hall, and Qiu Ye pulled her to the side, and placed a piece of atrial card into her hands, “Mr. Su is in room 999, you should go over now, if someone comes knocking on the door later, you can leave, understand?”

Luo Qing Yun memasuki aula, dan Qiu Ye menariknya ke samping, dan meletakkan selembar kartu atrium ke tangannya, "Tuan Su ada di kamar 999, Anda harus pergi sekarang, jika seseorang datang mengetuk pintu nanti. , kamu bisa pergi, mengerti?"

“Me?” Luo Qing Yun held onto the atrial card, with a confused look, “What about you?”

"Saya?" Luo Qing Yun memegang kartu atrium, dengan tatapan bingung, "Bagaimana denganmu?"

“I have more important things to do. I’ll come and pick you up in half an hour.” After Qiu Ye finished speaking, he did not wait for her to ask any further questions and immediately left.

"Aku punya hal yang lebih penting untuk dilakukan. Aku akan datang dan menjemputmu setengah jam lagi." Setelah Qiu Ye selesai berbicara, dia tidak menunggunya untuk mengajukan pertanyaan lebih lanjut dan segera pergi.

Luo Qing Yun looked at the numbers on the atrial card s and braced herself to walk towards the corridor.

Luo Qing Yun melihat nomor pada kartu atrium dan menguatkan dirinya untuk berjalan menuju koridor.

At the end of the corridor, there was an elegant garden, and on the other side of the garden, there was a row of quaint and unique looking rooms. Luo Qing Yun walked forward, looked at the numbers on the doors, and finally found room 999 at the end.

Di ujung koridor, ada taman yang elegan, dan di sisi lain taman, ada deretan kamar yang tampak kuno dan unik. Luo Qing Yun berjalan ke depan, melihat nomor di pintu, dan akhirnya menemukan kamar 999 di ujungnya.

After confirming the atrial card in his hands, he found that this was the right place.

Setelah mengkonfirmasi kartu atrium di tangannya, dia menemukan bahwa ini adalah tempat yang tepat.

Reaching out his hand, he brushed the atrial card’s sensing lock. The sensing lock made a crisp sound as the door opened.

Mengulurkan tangannya, dia mengusap kunci penginderaan kartu atrium. Kunci penginderaan membuat suara renyah saat pintu terbuka.

The light in the room was dim, and what entered his sight was a screen with a picture of a lady. The interior was decorated in an antique manner.

Cahaya di ruangan itu redup, dan yang masuk ke pandangannya adalah layar dengan gambar seorang wanita. Interiornya didekorasi dengan gaya antik.

Luo Qing Yun slowed down her pace and slowly walked into the room, the door automatically closed behind him.

Luo Qing Yun memperlambat langkahnya dan perlahan berjalan ke dalam ruangan, pintu otomatis tertutup di belakangnya.

After circling behind the screen, before she could clearly see the scene in front of her, a long arm pulled her over. While her mind was in a state of chaos, her body fell heavily onto a large carved wooden bed.

Setelah berputar-putar di belakang layar, sebelum dia bisa melihat dengan jelas pemandangan di depannya, sebuah lengan panjang menariknya. Sementara pikirannya dalam keadaan kacau, tubuhnya jatuh dengan keras ke tempat tidur kayu berukir besar.

She opened her mouth to call for help, but her lips were tightly sealed by the other party’s hot kiss.

Dia membuka mulutnya untuk meminta bantuan, tetapi bibirnya tertutup rapat oleh ciuman panas pihak lain.

“Ugh …” She struggled to free herself from his grasp, only to discover that the stronger she got, the tighter his restraints would be. The force that pressed against her body was so heavy that she could barely breathe.

"Ugh ..." Dia berjuang untuk membebaskan dirinya dari genggamannya, hanya untuk menemukan bahwa semakin kuat dia, semakin ketat pengekangannya. Kekuatan yang menekan tubuhnya begitu berat sehingga dia hampir tidak bisa bernapas.

What was he doing?

Apa yang dia lakukan?

Why was this happening?

Mengapa ini terjadi?

She instinctively wanted to defend, but the difference in strength between both sides was too great, she was not his match at all.

Dia secara naluriah ingin bertahan, tetapi perbedaan kekuatan antara kedua belah pihak terlalu besar, dia sama sekali bukan tandingannya.

The air smelled faintly of alcohol. Was he drunk?

Udara sedikit berbau alkohol. Apakah dia mabuk?

As she thought of this, his large hand had unknowingly lifted her knee-length skirt and moved upwards.

Saat dia memikirkan hal ini, tangannya yang besar tanpa sadar mengangkat rok selututnya dan bergerak ke atas.

The man’s head was buried in her neck, breathing in the fragrance that came from her, a distant and familiar smell that seemed to awaken the long-buried nerve in his memory, and a burning impulse roared inside him, threatening to burst out.

Kepala pria itu terkubur di lehernya, menghirup aroma yang berasal darinya, bau yang jauh dan akrab yang tampaknya membangunkan saraf yang telah lama terkubur dalam ingatannya, dan dorongan membara meraung di dalam dirinya, mengancam akan meledak.
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