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Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid

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First of all, this is not a story where the cannon fodder chambermaid counterattacks and gives the main wife a beat-down!

Pertama-tama, ini bukan cerita di mana pelayan meriam makanan ternak melakukan serangan balik dan memukuli istri utama!

As a lowly s*ave who had been sold a total of six times, Xiao Hua has long become apathetic to her situation.

Sebagai seorang pelacur rendahan yang telah dijual sebanyak enam kali, Xiao Hua telah lama menjadi apatis terhadap situasinya.

In her past life, she was a cannon fodder chambermaid who was beaten to death. In this life, she decided to turn over a new leaf and live honestly, yet in the end still ended up being sold off.

Dalam kehidupan masa lalunya, dia adalah pelayan meriam makanan ternak yang dipukuli sampai mati. Dalam kehidupan ini, dia memutuskan untuk membuka lembaran baru dan hidup jujur, namun pada akhirnya tetap dijual.

This prince’s estate seems to have pretty good benefits? She could be released at twenty-five, and they’d arrange a place for her to live under their jurisdiction? They’d even get rid of her s*ave records?

Harta milik pangeran ini tampaknya memiliki manfaat yang cukup bagus? Dia bisa dibebaskan pada usia dua puluh lima, dan mereka akan mengatur tempat baginya untuk tinggal di bawah yurisdiksi mereka? Mereka bahkan akan menyingkirkan catatan rahasianya?

Great! That’s great! Xiao Hua thus decided to stay in the Jing Prince Estate and do her job properly. It’s a shame she could never overcome the whims of fate….

Besar! Itu hebat! Xiao Hua memutuskan untuk tinggal di Jing Prince Estate dan melakukan pekerjaannya dengan benar. Sayang sekali dia tidak pernah bisa mengatasi keinginan takdir….

The master she serves is a “mute boy”, with several influences above him watching like tigers eyeing their prey. To say she doesn’t want to be pampered is definitely a lie. This is the road to survival of a “discreet girl” who clings on to her master’s leg and is solely pampered, yet feels that he never pampers her.

Tuan yang dia layani adalah "anak bisu", dengan beberapa pengaruh di atasnya yang mengawasi seperti harimau mengincar mangsanya. Mengatakan dia tidak ingin dimanjakan jelas bohong. Ini adalah jalan menuju kelangsungan hidup "gadis bijaksana" yang berpegangan pada kaki tuannya dan hanya dimanjakan, namun merasa bahwa tuannya tidak pernah memanjakannya.

The road from a cannon fodder chambermaid to a beloved imperial consort is a little long….

Jalan dari pelayan makanan ternak meriam ke permaisuri kekaisaran tercinta agak panjang….

- Description from


Short Title :
Alternate Title : Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid
Status [Edit] : Complete
Author : Jia Mian De Sheng Yan, Mask Feast, 假面的盛宴
Country : Chinese
Type : Web Novel
Genre : Drama, Historical, Josei, Mature, Romance
Weekly Rank : #14
Monthly Rank : #34
All Time Rank : #33
Tags [Edit] : Ancient China, Calm Protagonist, Childcare, Couple Growth, Different Social Status, Doting Love Interests, F*llatio, Female Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Imperial Harem, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Multiple Reincarnated Individuals, Older Love Interests, Politics, Power Couple, Pregnancy, R-15, R*pe, Reincarnation, Royalty, S*ave Protagonist, Second Chance, Slow Romance, Twins
See edit history
Re-Translation Counts : 1
Latest Translation : 2022-04-11 08:17:42
Total Glossary : 0
Glossary changes till next translation : 0/150

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